Deborah Doane


Deborah’s work includes her role as convener of The Ringo Project – reimagining the INGO, so that civil society everywhere can be more equitable, balanced, and better respond to human rights challenges. Deborah has been steeped in civil society for over 20 years, as a campaigner and leader, working across human rights, development, environment, and economic justice issues. Her most recent role was as Director of the Funders’ Initiative for Civil Society, a donor collaborative that works to create a more enabling environment for civil society. Previous roles have included Director of the World Development Movement and founder/Director of the Corporate Responsibility Coalition (CORE) in the UK, which achieved groundbreaking changes to UK company law to embed social and environmental accountability. She has been a trustee of the Fairtrade Foundation, and is currently on the Board of Finance Uncovered. She also blogs for The Guardian on international civil society issues.

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