I recently joined Rights CoLab as a Contributor to collaborate with like-minded people committed to advancing civil society sustainability by reimagining and reinventing traditional civil society models and narratives. I am now pleased to announce my own contribution, with the release of my report on Building the Roadmap for Financial Sustainability for Rights-based CSOs in the Global South.

The report analyses case studies of CSOs in the Asia-Pacific region that are piloting a wide range of business and funding models. These cases are based on interviews conducted during the spring of 2019 with 22 CSO leaders about their experiences, achievements and challenges. Summaries of 16 of these cases in standardized templates are available in the CSO Sustainability Database on Innovation for Change’s website, and will be incorporated into Rights CoLab’s Mapping Civil Society Innovation web portal to be launched in January 2020.

This report and database are part of a project to identify CSO pathways to financial sustainability that would inspire rights-based CSOs to consider adopting alternative business and funding models that tap into local funding sources. It is part of a growing body of work on financial sustainability and alternative CSO business and funding models carried out by Rights CoLab members affiliates such as Ed Rekosh and Charles Kojo VanDyck, as well as the following members of the Innovation for Change (I4C) network:


Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash