​​Solidarity is a humanitarian platform that connects people in dire need with volunteers who are willing to help. The app was initially created at the beginning of 2020 in response to the pandemic by Solidarity, a non-profit organization that brings together experts in software development to create products that help people adapt to the digitalization of everyday life. However, as the humanitarian crisis unfolded due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the app was modified in consultation with Ukrainian refugees. The updated version is adapted to the current needs of Ukrainian refugees, connecting the victims of war to those who can provide essential help like food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc. The not-for-profit platform was created with the funds of the developers and is free for the users. But to support further development and maintenance of the app, Solidarity is offering users the option to donate with the promise that all extra funds will be transferred to the National Bank of Ukraine.

COVID-19 Response

The Solidarity platform was created to aid people who were isolated due to the COVID-19 pandemic and provide them with medications, food, and essential supplies. The app quickly gained traction, connecting thousands of people and becoming a reliable tool for providing aid.

Theory of Change

Connecting those in need with those willing to provide aid without middlemen and administrative obstacles helps build local and cross-border solidarity.


The Solidarity app allows refugees to voice their needs and receive help from volunteers. Those who want to help can register through the app, learn about the needs of the beneficiaries on the map, and start completing the tasks. The mobile app is free to download and use and has an easy navigation and registration process. The platform increases mobility in Ukraine and abroad, and provides an opportunity for fast communication between groups of people, volunteer centers, and individuals. The self-organized structure of the platform allows users to manage an unlimited number of operations in an organized manner.


The app has over 10,000 downloads, while the Solidarity team is working on launching new initiatives.