We are pleased to announce the launch of the Investor HREDD (Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence) Precision Tools website, developed in collaboration with EIRIS Foundation, ESG Inteligente, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility/Investor Alliance for Human Rights, Principles for Responsible Investments, Responsible Contracting Project, and Workforce Disclosure Initiative. 

Created for and with investors, each tool addresses an HREDD pain point for companies. At its launch this week, the website features the first two tools:  

  1. Certifications Red Flags (Beta Version), developed by Rights CoLab

  2. Investor Guidance on Responsible Contracting, developed by the Responsible Contracting Project and Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR). 

Three more tools – on Stakeholder Engagement, on Remedy, and an Engagement Script – are forthcoming. Designed as an open platform and one-stop shop of tools, aligned with international standards, the partnership welcomes HREDD tools developed by other organizations. 

In the coming months Rights CoLab will be hosting interactive Learning and Feedback sessions with investors to further test and refine the tools. 

 The website can be accessed here. http://www.investorhreddtools.org