Urban Space 500 in Kyiv is a franchise of Urban Space 100 in Ivano-Frankivsk, a social business operating as a restaurant. As such, they pay a royalty to Teple Misto, the NGO behind Urban Space 100, in exchange for branding and marketing support. Urban Space 500 was established by the Kyiv-based NGO Insha Osvita, which focuses on alternative and continuing education. To launch the restaurant in Kyiv, which opened in December 2018, 500 initial members were invited to make an investment of $1,000 USD each. Urban Space is a new format for urban community engagement, not just a space where people can eat. They can also socialize, discuss big ideas, find likeminded individuals, and give presentations. It is a special place for those who think cities should be built for their inhabitants, be ecological, and be responsive to the needs of the community. Because 80% of the restaurant’s profits are redirected toward local development and social projects, every patron becomes engaged in the development of their city.  

Theory of Change

Creating a transparent trust fund to support social projects and start-ups that contributes to urban development can unleash the creativity and dynamism of community members to solve local problems and achieve social change.


Like Urban Space 100, Urban Space 500 is a cultural space supporting talented and engaged people who want to improve their community.


Having operated successfully for one year, Urban Space 500 will hold its first call for applications for projects seeking funding in January 2020. The priority themes for funding are sports, culture, education and health.