The UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights’ recent report to the UN Human Rights Council, presented in June 2023, examined the impacts that development finance institutions (DFIs) have on human rights and the environment, and what remedy means in the context of development finance. As part of the consultative process leading up to the report, the Working Group solicited input from stakeholders on their experiences related to DFIs and human rights.

Just Ground, in collaboration with EarthRights International, took this opportunity to discuss its advocacy in support of rights holders impacted by the Thilawa Special Economic Zone (TSEZ), a project funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The submission detailed the significant challenges that rights holders affected by DFI-funded projects face in relation to efforts to participate in the design of grievance mechanisms and, ultimately, obtain access to effective remedy.

The full submission can be accessed here.

Photo by Matthew TenBruggencate on Unsplash